MAST Academy
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Frequently Asked Questions

ADMISSIONS: General Information

MAST Academy, part of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, is a School of Choice. The magnet schools in this district are governed by the regulations set forth by the School Board. A student may apply during the recruitment period, October 1st to January 15th, of each year. The earliest a student may apply to MAST is in the eighth grade--for a ninth grade position. MAST accepts applications for grades 9-12. Qualified students in grades 10-12 receive enrollment offers on a space-available basis. Qualified students who are the documented dependents of active duty military personnel receive offers on a space-available basis as well.

Acceptance to the MAST Academy is based on the following criteria:

1. Academic Performance/ Mathematics & Science Placement*
2. Conduct
3. Attendance**

*Consult the FAQ document for full information on math/science requirements

**Absences must be explained by a parent/guardian

PROCEDURE: Applications are evaluated and numerical values assigned according to the level of met criteria: grades, coursework, attendance, and conduct.

Step I. - Application

Student/parent submits basic application to Schools of Choice. Private school students must submit an official transcript directly to MAST Academy.

• Schools of Choice provides online notification that student has applied to MAST. (Parent/guardian calls MAST to confirm the school’s receipt of application materials.)
Parent/guardian calls MAST to confirm the school’s receipt of application materials.

• MAST Admissions Office screens application.

• Please read the FAQ document (link above) for fuller explanation of admissions requirements, the sibling policy, etc.

Step II. - Notification

MAST notifies students in writing of application status. Students will either be entered into the Miami-Dade County Public Schools district lottery pool or notified of non-acceptance.

Step III. - M-DCPS District Lottery Pool

MAST notifies students of the District’s random selection lottery outcome. The waiting list remains current through first semester of each year. Students who want to be considered for the following year must re-apply.

Between October and January click here to download the application.
Entre Octubre y enero oprime aquí para la aplicación.

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